Black Goldendoodles: Discover 9 Amazing NEW Grooming Techniques

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Black Goldendoodles


Dive into the intriguing realm of the Black Goldendoodles. From their origin to grooming needs, shedding tendencies, and pricing, this blog post aims to be your definitive resource for everything related to this captivating crossbreed.

Where did Black Goldendoodles come from?

The story of the Black Goldendoodle begins with the breed’s fascinating origin. Born out of the desire to create a hypoallergenic guide dog, these intelligent and affectionate dogs are a cross between Golden Retrievers and Poodles. Explore how this unique combination contributes to the personality traits that make Black Goldendoodles so beloved by families and individuals alike.

Popularity of Black Goldendoodles 

In the world of designer dogs, Black Goldendoodles have captured the hearts of many with its friendly demeanor and hypoallergenic coat. Among the various coat colors that these delightful hybrids come in, Black Goldendoodles are gaining remarkable popularity. The sleek and stylish appearance of these dogs, combined with their affectionate nature, makes them an attractive choice for families and individuals alike.

pictures of black goldendoodles

The Allure of Black Goldendoodles

Black is a timeless and classic color that exudes elegance and sophistication. When applied to the Black Goldendoodle’s curly or wavy coat, it creates a stunning contrast that turns heads wherever these dogs go. Black Golden Doodles stand out for their simple yet striking appearance.

Versatility in Style:

Whether you prefer a sleek, well-groomed look or a more casual, tousled appearance, black coats offer versatility in styling. The color black beautifully showcases the distinctive curls or waves, allowing owners to experiment with different grooming styles to suit their preferences.

Photogenic Charm:

Black Goldendoodles are undeniably photogenic. The richness of their black coats often translates well in photographs, making them Instagram stars and social media favorites. From playful candid shots to posed portraits, these dogs effortlessly steal the spotlight.

Minimal Shedding:

One of the key reasons for the popularity of Golden Doodles, in general, is their hypoallergenic coat. Black Golden Doodles continue to offer this advantage, as their dark-colored coats often show less shedding and dander, making them an excellent choice for individuals with allergies.

Adaptable to Fashion Trends:

Just as in the world of human fashion, certain dog coat colors may come in and out of trend. However, black is a color that never goes out of style. Black Goldendoodles effortlessly adapt to changing trends, ensuring that they remain a fashionable and sought-after choice among dog enthusiasts.

Eye-Catching Contrast:

The contrast between the black coat and other features, such as expressive eyes and a dark nose, creates a visually appealing look. The facial features of black Goldendoodles are often accentuated, adding to their overall charm and charisma.

Are Black Goldendoodles Rare?

Goldendoodles, known for their friendly demeanor and irresistibly curly coats, come in various colors that captivate dog enthusiasts worldwide. While cream, apricot, and red hues are prevalent, the rarity of Black Goldendoodles adds an intriguing layer to the mix. Let’s delve into the factors contributing to the uncommon occurrence of these beautiful ebony-coated companions.

Genetics at Play:

The color of a Goldendoodle’s coat is primarily determined by the genetics inherited from their Poodle and Golden Retriever parents. The black color is a recessive trait, meaning that both parents must carry the gene for a black coat to manifest in their offspring. Since many Goldendoodles are bred with a focus on diverse coat colors, the combination of specific genetic traits for black coats becomes less common.

Breed Standards and Preferences:

Breeders often aim to adhere to certain breed standards and meet the preferences of potential owners. The demand for non-black coat colors, coupled with the challenge of achieving consistent black coats through selective breeding, contributes to the rarity of Black Goldendoodles. As a result, breeders may prioritize other color variations, inadvertently reducing the frequency of black-coated litters.

Popularity of Other Colors:

Cream, apricot, and red Golden Doodles have gained immense popularity due to their warm and vibrant aesthetics. The appeal of these lighter shades has led to increased breeding efforts focused on producing dogs with these colors. Consequently, black Goldendoodles become a sought-after gem due to their scarcity amidst the more common color variations.

Unique Elegance:

Black Goldendoodles stand out not only for their rarity but also for the unique elegance and sophistication they bring. Their deep, lustrous black fur often accentuates their features, creating a stunning contrast that captures the attention of dog enthusiasts seeking a distinctive and eye-catching companion.

Challenges in Breeding:

Achieving a consistent black coat in Goldendoodles involves overcoming certain challenges in the breeding process. The intricate dance of genetics requires careful selection of parent dogs with the specific black coat gene. As breeders work towards maintaining health, temperament, and other essential traits, achieving a uniform black coat may pose additional challenges.

Celebrating the Uncommon:

The rarity of black Golden Doodles adds an element of exclusivity to these already cherished companions. For those fortunate enough to welcome a black-coated pup into their homes, the joy of having a unique and visually striking pet becomes an extra-special experience. As with any rare gem, the appreciation for the distinctive beauty of black Golden Doodles continues to grow among dog lovers.

pictures of black goldendoodles

Do Black Goldendoodles Shed?

Black Goldendoodles, like their counterparts in other coat colors, are known for their minimal shedding. One of the primary reasons for the popularity of this breed is their hypoallergenic and non-shedding characteristics, inherited from their Poodle ancestry. Poodles have a curly and dense coat that sheds very little, and when crossed with a Golden Retriever, which also tends to have minimal shedding, the resulting Golden Doodle inherits these traits.

The coat of a Black Goldendoodle is often curly or wavy, which contributes to trapping loose hair and preventing it from falling out easily. However, it’s important to note that while Golden Doodles are considered low-shedding, they are not entirely hypoallergenic. Individuals with severe allergies may still react to certain proteins found in a dog’s saliva, dander, or urine.

Regular grooming is essential to maintain the coat health of a Black Goldendoodle. Brushing helps prevent matting, removes loose hair, and keeps the coat clean. Professional grooming may be required periodically to manage the curly or wavy texture and prevent any potential tangles.

To find out more about Goldendoodle shedding, check out this blog post: Do Goldendoodles Shed: 10 Fascinating Ways to Manage Shedding

Grooming a Black Goldendoodle

Grooming a Black Goldendoodle involves a combination of regular brushing, bathing, ear cleaning, nail trimming, and maintaining hygiene. Here’s a comprehensive guide to keep your black-coated companion looking and feeling their best:

1. Brushing:

   – Frequency:

Brush your Black Goldendoodle regularly to prevent matting and tangling. The frequency depends on the coat type—curly or wavy coats may require more attention.

   – Tools:

Use a slicker brush or a comb suitable for your dog’s coat texture. A detangling spray can be helpful.

   – Technique:

Gently brush through the coat, paying attention to areas prone to matting, such as behind the ears, under the legs, and around the tail. Ensure you reach the skin to remove loose hair.

2. Bathing:

   – Frequency:

Bathe your Black Goldendoodle every 4-6 weeks or as needed. Over-bathing can strip natural oils from the coat.

   – Shampoo:

Use a mild, hypoallergenic dog shampoo. Ensure thorough rinsing to avoid skin irritation.

   – Drying:

Allow your dog to air-dry or use a low-heat setting on a blow dryer. Ensure the coat is completely dry to prevent matting.

3. Haircuts:

   – Professional Grooming:

Schedule professional grooming sessions every 6-8 weeks, or as needed, for a thorough haircut and coat maintenance.

   – Home Trimming:

If you prefer a longer coat, you can learn basic trimming techniques or use scissors to tidy up the coat between professional grooming appointments.

4. Ear Cleaning:

   – Frequency:

Check your dog’s ears regularly for signs of wax buildup or redness.

   – Cleaning Solution:

Use a veterinarian-approved ear-cleaning solution and a soft cloth or cotton ball to clean the ears. Avoid inserting anything deep into the ear canal.

5. Nail Trimming:

   – Frequency:

Trim your dog’s nails every 2-4 weeks, depending on their activity level and the surfaces they walk on.

   – Tools:

Use dog nail clippers or a grinder. Be cautious not to cut into the quick, which can cause bleeding.

6. Dental Care:

   – Frequency:

Brush your dog’s teeth regularly to maintain oral health.

   – Toothpaste:

Use dog-friendly toothpaste and a toothbrush designed for canine dental care.

7. Eye Care:

   – Wiping:

Gently wipe around your dog’s eyes with a damp cloth to remove tear stains or debris.

8. Anal Gland Expression:

   – Veterinary Assistance:

Some dogs may require anal gland expression. Consult your veterinarian if you notice any signs of discomfort or scooting.

9. Preventative Care:

   – Flea and Tick Prevention:

Use veterinarian-recommended flea and tick prevention methods.

   – Regular Vet Check-ups:

Schedule regular veterinary check-ups to monitor your dog’s overall health.

Remember to make grooming a positive experience for your Black Goldendoodle by offering treats, praise, and gentle handling. Consistent grooming not only keeps your dog looking their best but also contributes to their overall health and well-being.

How much do Black Goldendoodles cost?

The cost of Black Goldendoodles can vary widely based on several factors. Here are key considerations influencing the price:

1. Breeder Reputation:

Reputable breeders, especially those with a history of responsible breeding practices and a focus on the health and well-being of the dogs, may charge higher prices.

2. Generation and Pedigree:

The generation of the Golden Doodle (F1, F1B, etc.) and the strength of the pedigree can impact the cost. Clear pedigrees and well-documented lineage may contribute to a higher price.

3. Coat Type and Color:

While black is a standard color for Goldendoodles, certain coat types or specific coat colors within the black spectrum (solid black, black with markings) may affect the price.

4. Size of the Dog:

The size of the Goldendoodle, whether miniature, medium, or standard, can influence the price. Smaller sizes may be priced differently from larger ones.

5. Geographic Location:

The cost of living and demand for certain breeds can vary by region. Goldendoodles in high-demand areas may be priced higher.

On average, prospective buyers can expect to pay between $1,500 and $3,000 for a well-bred Golden Doodle from a reputable breeder. However, prices may go higher for specific coat colors, generations, or exceptional lineage.

It’s essential to research and choose a breeder with a good reputation, prioritize the health and temperament of the dogs, and be transparent about their breeding practices. Additionally, consider adoption from shelters or rescue organizations as an alternative, where costs may be lower, ranging from $100 to $500, depending on the organization and location. To find out more about Goldendoodle costs, check out this blog post: How Much Do Goldendoodle Cost : 2024 Price Break Down

pictures of black goldendoodles

What makes a Goldendoodle Black?

The color of a Goldendoodle, including whether it is black, is determined by the genetics inherited from its parent breeds, the Golden Retriever and the Poodle. The black color in dogs is typically controlled by specific genes.

Where do Black Goldendoodles come from?

Here are the key genetic factors that contribute to a Golden Doodle being black:

1. Genetic Inheritance:

   – The black color is often a result of the presence of the “B” (black) allele at a specific locus on the dog’s DNA. If a dog inherits a “B” allele from either parent, it will express the black color.

2. Recessive Gene:

   – The black color is considered a recessive trait, meaning that both parents must carry the gene for black coloration to produce a black offspring. If both parents carry at least one copy of the “B” allele, there is a chance of having black puppies in the litter.

3. Poodle Ancestry:

   – Poodles, one of the parent breeds of the Golden Doodle, often carry the black gene. If a Golden Doodle inherits the “B” allele from the Poodle parent, it may express a black coat.

4. Combination of Genes:

   – The color of a dog’s coat is influenced by multiple genes, not just a single one. Other factors, such as the interaction between different color genes, can also affect the final coat color. For example, a Golden Doodle may have a black coat, but the presence of other genes could lead to variations in shading or markings.

It’s important to note that the coat color of Goldendoodles can vary widely, even within the same litter. While black is a common color, other colors such as cream, apricot, red, chocolate, and parti-colors (two or more colors) are also possible depending on the combination of genes inherited.

The breeding practices of responsible breeders who carefully select parent dogs based on their genetic makeup and adhere to ethical breeding standards play a significant role in determining coat colors and maintaining the health of the breed.


As we conclude our exploration into the world of the Black Goldendoodle, we invite you to share your thoughts and experiences. Have you been charmed by the elegance of a black-coated Golden Doodle, or are you considering adding one to your family? We would love to hear your stories and insights. Leave a comment below and join our community of Golden Doodle enthusiasts!

Remember, a Black Goldendoodle is not just a pet; it’s a delightful addition to your family, bringing joy, love, and a touch of mystery to your everyday life.

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